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BOB综合体育APP下载_ 关于外出就餐的英语词汇:menu; order; starter; dessert; tip等
本文摘要:Book 预订;预约I've booked a table for five at the Thai restaurant.我在泰国餐厅订了一张五人桌。


Book 预订;预约I've booked a table for five at the Thai restaurant.我在泰国餐厅订了一张五人桌。Reservation 预订;预约I'd like to make a table reservation for two for tonight.我想预订今晚两小我私家的座位。Reserve 预订I'd like to reserve a table for eight.我想预订一张八人的餐桌。Wine list酒单;酒水单May I have the wine list, please?请给我酒单好吗?Menu 菜单Here is the menu.请看菜单。

Bill of fare 菜谱,菜单Please give me the bill of fare.请把菜单给我。Order 订购; 点 (餐)Would you like to order now ?您现在要点菜吗?Aperitif (尤指餐前的)开胃酒I’d like an aperitif before dinner.晚饭前我想要来杯开胃酒。Appetizer 开胃菜;开胃小吃What would you like for your appetizer?你的开胃菜要什么?Starter 第一道菜; (一餐的)开胃品,头盘Entrée 主菜; 前菜Side dish配菜;小菜Main course 主菜I had beef for my main course.我主菜吃了牛肉。

Dessert 甜食,甜点I'd like ice cream for dessert.我想要冰激凌做甜点。Lunch午餐We had lunch together at the restaurant on the corner of the street.我们一起在街角的餐馆吃午饭。

Dinner 正餐;晚餐She is having dinner alone in the restaurant.她正独自在餐馆吃晚餐。Special 特色菜What are the specials today?今天的特色菜是什么?Speciality 特色食品; 招牌菜Twice-cooked pork is a specialty of the restaurant.回锅肉是这家餐馆的招牌菜。Dine Out 到餐馆吃晚饭,外出吃晚饭Let's dine out tonight.我们今晚出去用饭吧。

Doggy Bag (饭馆的)剩菜袋,打包袋Could you give me a doggy bag?你能给我一个打包袋吗?Takeaway 外卖食品;外卖餐馆I ordered a takeaway from the Japanese restaurant.我从日本餐馆点了一份外卖。Server 侍者,服务员Recommend 推荐;建议The server recommended the roast duck to us.服务员向我们推荐了烤鸭。Booth (餐馆内的)雅座;隔间Servery 供餐处,取餐处Self-service 自选的,自助的Shout 轮到某人请喝饮料; 轮到买酒请客It's my shout. Would you like one more beer?这是我请客。

再要一杯啤酒吗?Bill 账单I'd like to pay the bill by cash.我想用现金付账。Receipt 收据,收条Here is your change and receipt.这是您的零钱和收据。Tab (待付的)账单,账款He picked up the tab for the meal.这顿饭他付的账。

Corkage 拔瓶塞;开瓶费Service charge 服务费Gratuity 小费,赏钱Tip 小费Waiter 服务员That man gave the waiter a generous tip.谁人人给了服务员一大笔小费。Complain 诉苦;投诉He complained to the manager about the service.他向司理诉苦服务质量欠好。Serve 提供(食物或饮料),端上(饭菜等);招待Breakfast is served in the restaurant until 10 a.m.这家餐馆供应早餐到上午10点。Patronage 惠顾,惠顾Thanks for your patronage.谢谢您的惠顾。



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